Bunny Gonk Free Crochet Pattern

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Bunny Gonk free crochet - Crochet Blog from Hooked On Patterns

Adam Gonk Crochet Blog Hooked On PatternsA minor retraction

So, I’m back. I guess it’s just best to tell you what happened.
I went along to the set and met the person purporting to be the director. I was given my costume and a room to change in.

I was concerned that we seemed to be filming backwards, as I was starting out in my costume. I’m a versatile artist, so I went with it.

It wasn’t until the stage door opened that I realised the error I had made.
Funny thing, it turns out it was just a children’s Easter party. Kids screaming for the Easter Gonk, free sandwiches being thrown and no movie.

Smile when you poster    I Love crochet poster

I have asked for my previous post to be withdrawn, but they want to keep it up.

Hooked On Patterns thought it was funny. Thought it would be funny to have me dress up in this costume and turn it into a free crochet pattern.
I think I’ll sack my agent. Good thing I have this blog to run.

Anyway, I am still the lead model and Chef hummer around here. Guess you gotta smile when you can.


Bunny Gonk free crochet

Enjoy the free Easter crochet pattern: Bunny Gonk

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